Tuesday, July 15, 2008

BLACK Gods-Goddesses-Kings-Queens, Princesses-Princes + The Crown of Glory.

BLACK Goddesses-Queens-Princesses vs.
black bitches-hoes-whores-prostitutes!!!
America's African Black Men & Women,
Males & Females!! Boys & Girls

1. YES: The Original Creative ArtistCHD, has a Problem Solving Solution; to the many difficult issues concerning our relationships with each other. I'm specifically talking about, (talkin'bout), supposed to be caring brothers and sisters knowing how to live here on planet Mother Earth in LovePeace & Harmony. And first and foremost, in "THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH" ToLoveThySelf vs ToHateThySelf
2. FORTUNATELY WE's & US's: Are blessed divinely to have been born alive and well and healthy at all, esp., under the existing challenging circumstances. Albeit, in spite of trying odds, minority people of color, dark melanin skinned Americans particularly; have prospered prolifically in great abundance. Have been very successful at whatsoever we chose to part take in, putting our brains mind to hard work and diligent study; achieving high degrees in learning and education; inclusively, discovery and invention. And in the last-past 30 years or so, overall Africans in America have become filthy rich, possessed by material worldly wealth$$$ It's all good, it's all gravy!
3. OUR ANCESTRAL GRANDPARENTS: By way of their intuitive wisdom; fed their children the most nutritional dietary meal plan on the face of planet Mother Earth. Indubitably, I most assuredly mean far before it was molested and raped of its nutritional values by the angry Anglo-Americans lack of wholesome culture of a European origin; lacing the dietary menu with their toxic chemical drugs. Ruining and spoiling rotten the true: Mother Africa's & America's Black Cultural Soul Food!!!
4. Moreover, some of the commercially farmed vegetable crops, agricultural products grown for marketing; such as meats: hogs-pigs-pork-swine, chicken-poultry, cattle-beef, and marine-fish foods have been seriously contaminated by toxic poisons. Infected plants and animals with potentially harmful bacteria-worms-parasites... no doubt. Albeit Mother Earth has Her own methods of going about counter attacking and thus destroying these invading enemies. She has created divine protections for humanity via INFINITE INTELLIGENT DESIGNS!!
5. Nevertheless, too many of the dark complexioned people of color, and of African "ascent"; have foolishly gotten away from eating these wholesome dietary meals. The very ones that made strong and powerful and fast Olympic athletes world renowned. Conceiving virus and disease resistant infants and small babies. But some idiots have been misled into believing that the Euro-American & Western diets were better for them or wrongly taught that they were more nutritional. Becoming bias and prejudice against the growth and development of their own institutions. And can't seem to stand the thought of eating homegrown collard-mustard-turnip greens; due to their sick idiosyncratic mindset. Stopping the creative evolution of increasing the moral values of our culinary culture. Instead of working on improving it; upgrading the preparation practices; Co-opting out trying to be and act pearly white upper class. And what too many of us wrongly think or believe Soul Food of today to mean; unfortunately is a negative definition handed down to them by their racist white supremacy enemies of devilish hate. Falsely claiming that our traditional diets are the ones that are making us sick and killing people of color. Yet, this still is a major Fraud in Fact "White Devil's" Lie!
6. IT'S OUR SECURE-SAFE-SOUL SAVIOR: Moreover, so our antagonistic adversaries went about their merry way contriving to undermine, degrade, negatively stereotype our traditional Soul Food Cultivation. And as they learned that they were having too hard of a time stopping those of us with self loving energy emotions; they began to create, manufacture, others of our own racial group to do their dirty low down underhanded dealings and bad bidding. Through very sophisticated psychological mind controlling techniques, employing the poisonous principles of Bribing-Duping & Brainwashing to produce what I've named as sellout self-hating bootlickers being: The BlackJackAssUncleTom-Devils!!!
6a. Contrary to popular belief, these creatures are mostly of the so called weaker sex, the female gender. Vanity Fair. Those who are perceived as being the least of all threats to the white supremacy slave master and his sinister super power SYSTEM.
............... .
7. TRUE SISTERS vs. FALSE SISTERS: Who has a distinctive contrast contents of character. Initially created through a false portrait face version of Christianity. A racist religious process by which a large number of black females, even young girls, were mentally, physically and spiritually molested, thus brutally raped of their moral virtues.
8. Likewise by the very same black token, these African women in America, were given a heavy dose of deadly dope; being the Lilly white Male's image of what is truthfully colored skinned brother Jesus Christ. A faithful man, perhaps, just like me and you?!.
9. NAIVE & GULLIBLE & VAIN: Too many of our would be sisters; Goddesses, Queens and Princesses, fell in love with this European Caucasian Male's facial features and pretty choir boy innocent looking portrait picture. Embraced his actual physical body, something white females have been watching very closely for a real live long time. Waiting on her chance to go out and get herself, in feminist retaliation, all of the black male studs that she can sexual screw, in fact make mass production of Obama babies....smile.
10. Shortly after the indoctrination brainwashing was completed, the black females started teaching her young kids, boys and girls, how to worship and honor and respect this false Christian belief. Especially in Sunday school church dis-services. Systematically depriving them of "The Spirit of Truth." Feeding them the poorest mental-spiritual diets; being self-hatred, ever known to humankind, to this very same time and date: Saturday, February 28, 12:26 PM.
10a. With good intentions, maybe, she dressed her little boys up with nice suit and ties and white shirts and socks. And the cute little girls with pretty can can dresses and bonnets-bow-ribbons in their hair; bangs and pig tails...eh? And has produced the money hungry "raven wolves in sheep's clothing"; being these mega churches black bishop bastards, pimp priest pedophiles, ministers who are adulterers and child molesting preachers, and pastors of a spiritually fallen CHRISTENDOM! Thus, if they are not teaching and preaching Black Liberation Theology, then, they are obviously worhiping the two-legged upright walking "White Devils"! And Islam is not fairing any better!! Remember the bravely bold black soul brother the Honored Mr. Malcolm-X-Big Red-Shabazz? Read his auto-biography...OK?
11. These perhaps well intended black ladies, mothers, went out and bought all of the Christian literature, Holy Bibles with beautiful picture drawings and paintings, of which I still have in my personal possession, as clear evidential proof. Great works of art that I as a young boy knew how to draw all by heart, rote memory, because of my diligent bible reading and or simply looking at the European paintings, etc. My dearly beloved Mother Sis had a complete encyclopedic collection. No doubt the artworks were masterfully rendered.
12. However, the whole of Europe's art history, which I took in college, in Scriptural Biblical terms, is absolutely and negatively wrong. Grossly distorted and constitutes Institutionalized Racism; at its satanic worst. Which make it all most impossible for our true soul brothers of scholarly education, to have any respect for the Old or New Testament Bibles. Seeing how they KNOW, that the European Caucasoid racial groups, stole our ancient scrolls, text writings, languages, culture and civilized inventions from the vast continent of Black Negroid Mother Africa!!!
13. BLESSEDLY: I was Divinely Inspired back in 1980, Called-Chosen & Sent & Anointed, to reveal these truths via my artistic commission calling and ministry. Yes of course I initially asked and begged the question...WHY ME? Nonetheless I was spiritually volunteered to carry out these strict orders given to me under our COSMIC CREATORS COMMANDS!!!!
13a. I'M A KNOW-ER vs a Believer: Well then, now here we are today y'all, faced with a high divorce rate in American society, in general and over all in the divided black family destruction. Unwed young girls of all racial and ethnic groups are of the norm. Separated from their kids and boyfriends. Who were never united in the first place in the spirit and the bond of LovePeace & Harmony.
14. Because something extremely terrible happened back on the old-southern slave plantations. Where the black males failed to protect their women folk, for whatsoever reasons, sorry ass excuses and pitiful alibis. He wasn't there for her and allowed her to be repeatedly and brutally raped by gangs of bad white men. [check out Madea goes to jail]. She lost hope-faith-belief in him all together, and thought it to be best that she take the family leadership roles. Even to the streets as cheap "hoes", winches-bitches, house maids-domestic servants of wealthy whites. Yet I give her a pass, but not to my brothers until they stand up and be MEN.
15. And with internalized resentment, bitterness, never honestly forgiving her black male counterparts. He never seemed to have repented from his incompetence, ineptitude in her self-hating estimation, so then, feeling emotionally depressed, this angry African American woman, unknowingly passed these hostility traits on down the bio-genetic generation lines via her DNA CODES, infecting her offspring with SHIV & EAIDS: Self Hate Immuno Viron & Eco Acquired Immuno Deficient System!!
16. A LACK OF FORGIVENESS: This is precisely why we see so many of our youngest of black girls showing little or no respect towards their brothers and fathers. And they don't necessarily know why? Hot wheels and wild ass sassy Heifers!! For it's something buried profoundly deep down inside of them, telling her to not ever again trust the black males, and that they are the rapists, and child molesters, and that the white man is her only true Lord & Savior & God!!! CHRISTENDOM & NOW ISLAM!!
17. Which explains why so many sisters are extremely jealous of white females, when they come too close to their perceived to be black men. And often become accusatory in her relationships, with a sort of inner paranoid feeling that he is playing off on her behind her back; but in many cases, it's only her own guilty conscious coming back to haunt-hunt her down. For she slept with the white man on many occasions by her own volitional acts, free will, without any kind of force. It's the self-condemning conscience still raping and molesting her children!
18. My older sister, a true Black Woman married to a Black Male...., recently told me over the long-distance telephone call; that "black women are down right stubborn and hard headed!" Refusing to listen: Destroying her own house and dividing her own family due to trying to be right all of the time. Argumentative, bitchy, discontent and sexually never satisfied. Thus disobedient refusing to be submissive, lovable; therefore, receives very little if any affection and love from her black mate, etc. BUT: when "the white she devil" and feminine beast comes along, skinnin' and grinnin' with her dollar bills jingling in the black guys face; they some times bite the baited HOOK!
18a. PISSED OFF THE SISTER: Then is prompted to cross the racial lines in search of the love of the white man's money and the material things that it can buy. She does the chicken neck, bottom lip stuck out, rolling of the eyes, head held high-sa-diddy up in the air and struts out on her liberated own! Some times not knowing how in the hell she's going to feed all of her kids? With an attitude proclaiming that "I don't need no N...word to help me take care of my children!" He ain't got no money so I ain't got no honey. Meaning in her time warped mindset, to be a down and out black male and father of the babies.
19. BUT THERE'S DIRE CONSEQUENCES: For her own stupid rationalization-self-deception and gross distortion of reality. Psychotic self-destructive behavior! And can't truthfully be the mother and father at the same time to a child. The parent can only be who they are biologically, male and or female, having each essential roles to perform. After she learns the hard headed knocks way that the majority of these Euro-American males, only pretend and act like kind gentlemen. Faking phonies doing so as lures. And in truth, have no true love for her; then she immediately runs back over to the other side of the railroad tracks, back home, looking for a black male to date-mate-and hopefully marry. But, here again, he has instincts and intuition also, being born from a Woman; sensing that she is not trustworthy anymore, contaminated and toxic, for allowing herself to be sexually freaked by kinky perverted "white boys".
20. UNRESOLVED INTERNAL CONFLICT: Now this abused and misused African American female, is out to make somebody pay dearly. And the closest ones in her reach are other black males, boyfriends, brothers, sons, nephews, husbands and fathers all alike. She will work harder than him to get a decent education, higher paying jobs in the white man's corporate system and "Criminal Enterprise" says: http://www.harambeeradio.com/. And will cross the streets if and when she sees a black boy or man coming her way, so as not to have to make direct eye contact with him. Or she will rudely simply turn her head in the opposite direction, making it very hard to get to know her. High strung! Then she proceeds on to her lonely bedroom pillow crying about why the white girls are taking all of the good black males form them. Cry baby cry!
21. Now she goes out of her way to dress up, look all sexy and fine with heavy make-up and eye lashes on. Not realizing she is looking more like an upscale "hoe" trying to impress the financially able white business men. Getting to know a few of them via personal contacts, eating out with them, and going to movies and night clubs to dance. So that she can front him off, the black men, to show how much smarter she is than he is, in the white man's presence.
22. Exercising the "Honky Ideology"; says http://www.afromerica.com/. Identifying with the enemy on the sly fox cool. Thus, some will strive to be hired into certain authority positions of power and influence; such as municipal-district divorce court judges, handling child support-custody cases and domestic violence or wife battering. And this very same kind of self-hating MENTALITY; seeks employment in government sectors of society, being security guards at apartment buildings-jails and prisons, city-county police officers, military duty patrols, parole and probation officers, managers and all of the official positions that she might be able to exact some type of legal punishment against her African American male counterparts. CONSCIOUSLY OR UNCONSCIOUSLY!!
23. UNFORTUNATELY FOR BLACK MALES: These self-abnegating would be true sisters; are the principal ones, selling the brothers out to the Prison Industrial Complex! She's the biggest "Snitch" in the local communities accepting small cash money bribes from corrupt white male renegade cops, to set the petty dope pushers up to get busted. She's the main one of a Culpable Mental State, that calls 911 in the least of domestic problems going on at home with her spouse, husband or boyfriend. She's the major factor in social workers capacities; that place the stigmatizing label; "Crack Babies"; on our young defenseless under-classed girls new born babies. Thus, so that they can be bought and or sold out through corrupt adoption agencies by wealthy whites, etc., etc., etc.
24. This white male loving BITCH; is in actuality a sophisticated whore-"hoe"; and likes being in the prostitute's position of leadership. Now in our armed forces giving hostile orders to young teenage military boys. Sucking up to the white man, giving sexual favors behind closed doors, in efforts to be given higher ranks and decorated status. So that she may be able to flaunt her sex appeal, big butt around at whosoever she chooses; to anybody other than the True Black Male Kings & Princes & Gods. [Note I'm not referring to the Almighty Creators!]
CRITICAL NOTE: Furthermore in brief: I prospect PRINCE VALENTINE THE GREAT; to make his courageous arrival very soon this week of March, 3-4-5-6th, or sometime in the near future? He says that it is an issue of paramount importance that he must strictly deal with, and only "......HOAX"; and how the racist white supremacy haters are injecting their toxic-lethal and poisonous pharmaceutical chemical drug treatments in mostly helpless-defenseless, African females and thier babies, new and unborn. I will not suffer to reveal the actual context of his introduction, but, I will ask that all readers and listeners get in contact and in tuned with this week's Harambee Radio Digital Program. Check it out without bias or prejudice.... please tell everybody else that y'all know. Be brave and be strong!!
1. SAVE & KEEP YA MONEY IN YOUR POCKET OR PILLOW OR PURSE: Because, what we all should be doing, and many of us are, is eating wholesome food stuffs. Those that are blessed by GODDESS Mother Nature's Wit; for She know what's best, what's most nutritional and healthful. And that is fresh home grown garden vegetables of a large colorful variety. Eaten cooked and raw, intelligently knowing that it all must die first by enzymatic actions, broken down, converted into a safe chemical form, then assimilated or metabolized inside the body.
2. Yes dead or alive at first the end results are the exact same; I inform these self-abnegating wanna be smart black doctors, [wrongly taught by Euro-Caucasians], who despise our African American Black Cultural Soul Food Nutrition; inclusively, in contempt-disrespect-disregards for our own Negroid Nutritional Black Male Genius of Scientific Inventions. The masters of original creativity, civilization, even the PC-personal computer. What's up dogs?
3. Meaning that our choice of dietary menus, are precisely what we determine them to be, WE's & US's define it..., and not European Westerners, nor white America. And this very same hostile mentality will tell people of color to stay away from the white sugar; yet, will say that eating pasta, bread, rice, macaroni, spaghetti, and other starches; are healthful substitutes for eating dead food or cooked meats, etc. Albeit, they refuse to acknowledge the truest stated science being behind it ... ALL: turns into SUGAR & GLUCOSE!!
4. They are the real to life living parasites feeding off of other people's fears. Wicked worms having to degrade, put down, slander, undermine, talk bad about some body's ethnic or racial culture-dietary habits and traditions, without stop. Futilely attempting to build their own inferior food crops up into a false show of superiority. That is until today, by being blasted with SHIV & EAIDS!! ...plus my HOLY BIBLE REVELATIONS!
5. Furthermore: Their clinical white coats and big tittle names and or degrees don't impress me at all. We need more of our own cultural culinary arts, and artwork in general. Lots of it in our hungry, malnourished stomachs; minds-hearts-spirits and souls, I say to these idiotic fools. Thus drink the blended green chlorophyll rich vegetable juices; along with the fiber; in order to holistically cleanse the digestive tract naturally and gently. And I vehemently say that all of these self-hating so called doctors and nutritionists, black or white, need to go straight to the burning flames of HadeHellFire!!!
6. INCLUSIVELY: Meaning the massive media advertising campaigns that constantly tell American citizens not to buy American made products, but to look for the cheaper items made in foreign lands. Anti-America! Persistently told not to "Buy Black" American Cultural Soul Foods, by falsely claiming that they are unhealthful, and causes all of our medical problems And in an associate chain reaction; everything black made, becomes a pariah. Which in a parasitic manner, helps to significantly lower the valued worth of the entire Black Negroid Race!!!. Lucrative business sales stays down low. Do ya see clearly how negative charged energies work...based on the scientific laws of physics...y'all?
7. I SAY PIT THESE BLACK BITCHES TO A TEST: Male or Female. But it's best to let another true Black Queen-Princess-Goddess examine the contents of the females character in full. Seeing how, that some of our own "white boy" loving sellout sisters, have gone out to her pink pigmented lovers, compiled all of the hateful statistical data that she could find, then, brings it back over to the black side of the railroad tracks.... so to speak, throwing the toxic information into the black man's face. As if she is so Europeanized and educated.
8. And any trained psychologist will tell you that by this constant adverse-negative programming, slanderous talk about our health and the manner in which some of us choose to eat, can and will and has become a self-fulfilling prophecy via a psycho-physiological true to human life manifestation. Turning out to be severely worse than the alleged clinical condition in and of itself. Meaning that if those of us who enjoy eating pork, pig feet, hog maws? and or chitterlings-chit-lings; so be it.
9. It's not bad or good but preference. Which true science says is just as heart-healthy as any other meat products. Why exaggerate it? Seeing how anything eaten in excess may become a health problem in the long run, even eating an over abundance of raw-uncooked vegetables that are more filled with live bacteria-worms-parasites; than thoroughly cooked in high tempered heat above the boiling point-212 degrees-Fahrenheit. Which also releases certain vitamins and minerals that otherwise would remain in the fiber part of the plant source. Also it can be detrimental drinking too much fresh clean spring water. Because, some people hold inside.. too much body fluids, liquids and has a life threatening water build up effect/affect...literally drowning inside their own water. Thus suffering congestive heart failure...FACT!
10. IT MAY ALL DEPEND ON AN INDIVIDUAL PERSON'S CHEMISTRY: Most definitely requiring customized diets. And as y'all know about how these self-hating buffoons who repeatedly claims, that black males have a high infection rate of colon and prostate cancer as compared to her white male lord and savior and fictitious Jesus Christ god.
11. Although, Black Male Inventors & Geniuses, can't tell her nothing, with her bad ass attitude: Thinking she has true facts on her side, yet they are; African males in America, being the most Americans who are singled out for bogus testing, in a racial profiled manner. Even though I just had a check up for both, at the VA hospital, with clean disease free results and a healthy colon and prostate, there are many false positive test results-wrongful diagnosis, faulty blood analysis said my physician. Leading to very harmful toxic treatment regimens, he exclaims, and wanted to know whether or not my Primary Health Care Provider prescribed the uncalled for examination. And some-what upset he read off my SPA, indicating no need for checking. I will send Doctor.... an email message telling him to watch out about his false readings and misunderstanding of the rating system, etc. And this was a middle aged (decent) white male physician all pissed off about this rampant Racial Profiling & Targeting & Aiming at black males for testing and treatment.
12. Plus smart white males will normally go visit their private doctors and their medical records kept tightly secret and closed. Most are intelligent enough to know not to reveal their personal history in slick surveys and or glib questionaires. But, the naive sisters working in our local communities gather-up all of this slanted information, often spills the beans, make public all of the clinical tests being performed for this-that or the other medical condition attached to people of color, esp, her black male counterpart, etc. In front of the TV cameras running off at her vociferous big mouth blabbing all that she thinks she knows?!. And if a black male tries to tell her to be quiet....expect her to talk out even louder!
13. OVER-EXPOSING OUR PRIVATE LIVES: Which racist practice is the only reason that indicates a larger number, of whosoever, negatives... y'all unwise persons want to talk about. You name the rest of these grossly flawed statistical-satanic fraud in fact lies. Surely she, the habitual sellout sisters pretentiously criticize these Caucasian men, while in her brothers presence, yet, will accept a few hundred dollars just to allow the "savages" freak them in kinky sexually perverted positions; on camera. If the PRICE IS RIGHT.
14. Besides doing real research is not Googling for the first piece of information that hits the computer monitor screen; but it take diligent hunting expeditions adventuring off into the well disguised, hidden secrets, camouflaged bushes, brier patches, wet wooded muddy swamps, and deep holes that contain the real live prey. And it might take hours or even days in order to successfully discover, the whole unadulterated truth! By understanding the tricky game, cunning crafty ways of the enemies inclusively, then the expert hunter knows exactly what to shoot at and when and for what reason.
15. One, such as my own self with a life time of experience hunting wild rabbits-squirrels, armadillos, possums, raccoons, and sneaky snakes in the tall grass. And is astute to going fishing, comprehending the low and high tides of feeding times and what type of specific bait to use to catch them with ease. Surely I know exactly what to look for, by experience, empirical evidence, observed tracks, smells, or scents with a trained nose of a blood hound, beagle or MUTT like me..... what's up dogs?
16. Psychologically and physically demoralized. Not really being qualified to lead the black family no where at all. Raped in every conceivable manner by her white male lovers. Never having these trying experiences that I talk of having up above in the aforementioned paragraphs. Yet many want to jump their inexperienced tail bones up in the front of truly Higher Authority Power send Messiahs of an elevated self-esteem anointed. All-ready blossomed original creative geniuses showing us their beauteous colorful flowers, and fresh ripe fruit of the Spirit thereof-therein. No No No, this has nothing to do with SEXISM; but most definitely about black males re-learning how TO LOVE THY SELF.
17. SELLING THAT ASS OUT: And this is what we don't see going on in the secrecy of darkness. But, ArtistCHD, bring this revelation to light: They are not our beautiful bio-genetic Egyptian Queens & Princesses, nor are the false sisters our goddesses of ancient African DNA CODES. They are clandestine pyramid destroyers, bringing many civilizations down to naught with her Whoredom Mentality. Intentionally or not intentionally. And it would be more advantageous, to have a decent good white female, in ya business, than an indecent bad black female. Freedom of Choice?!.
18. AS I ARTISTICALLY ENVISION: They actually let the Arab & European males into the tribal areas to raid them and to liberate her from the black tribesmen and chiefs, etc. The typical way she lets the egregious-bad white cops into our impoverished neighborhoods. Leading the charge as we can openly see her arrogant egotistical gluteus maximus. Being the first ones to handcuff the brothers and haul them off to jail, and her big butch-bitch rear end even drives the prison buses. Laugh y'alls.
19. Furthermore: Just listen to how she and her kind condemns our Black Soul Food Culture, and degrade our late beloved family great grandmothers who were truly of wisdom in their cooking and feeding habits; that were passed down to us from generations, all the way back into the genetic programming of Mother Africa. Even as these dummies deny it...our inseparable connections to the Mother Homeland with our dinners being blessedly touched by our grandparents of the days of old. Planted in our brains memory banks via instincts and intuition. Automatically knowing how to prepare all manner of Greens, including Wild Dandilion & Wild Pokesally.. in essence taught for centuries, thousands of years... YES IT IS AFRICAN!
20. Nevertheless, these foolish colored girls, house negras who are not regular street walkers at all, nor your stereotypical ladies of the night. Bless their souls! The ones who I'm talking about, are into gitting all that they can from the hen picked men folk, and are sorely into the CapitalistMoneyGreenGreed$$$$ for profit. Expecting to get her cut.
21. Every time one of these bootlickers wish to make a negative point in discussions, stating an example on talk radio, TV sit com cons or what have you, they purposely associate the negative charged energies with black boys and men. Always listening up attentively to every fine detail-spoken or written: My divine spiritual security stops her point blank right there. No matter how fine-sexy-beautiful looking she might appear to be. And this is the place, after all positive good things said, are severely contaminated and polluted. Detrimental to the Black Man's Health. Ending up being nothing but a bunch of bull's crap!
22. FIGHT BACK AGAINST Attaching Negatives to our African American culture, in its many diverse art forms. The put down prostitution-whoring of self... is in order to push their trembling fear upon us; not to eat at black owned restaurants, and is saying let them all close up out of business, then, seek her white pimp's poisonous products, unreliable herbal remedies that are sold on the mass commercial market; being filled with harmful toxins of all sorts; hormones, antibiotics, pesticides-herbicides; inclusively, an excessive amount of Omega-6 overpowering the Omega-3 essential fatty acids. These un-lady likes of the night: They are in truth to power and reality the white slave master's plantation winches: African American male haters: BlackJackAssUncleTom....Female F....ING BITCHES!!!
23. True to the salt of Mother Earth Bold Black Soul Food Sisters, are who and what we real Black brothers are producing and nothing less than the very best-quality. Lovely looking little colored skinned girls, daughters that love and respect their fathers no matter what their personal shortcomings are. Educated or uneducated, rich or poor, light complexioned or dark pigmented. I would even go as far as to say, that even if she chooses one of these good-o-days, to date-mate-marry some Decent Good White man vs. indecent bad white man; this is no just reason to hate on her black men folk. Dig?
24. Albeit, real African American BLACK MEN; have always and presently still are assuming their self-accountability and personal responsibility!! Doing the best that WE can and fairly well, might I add. Being the True Male Messiahs on the Rise, organizing, building pyramids of institutions. Starting with master mind over matter, the spoken word then on the ground-grassroots seed levels, employing hard physical work and labor of thought by collective brain power. Boldly using OUR Male...Sixth Sense Genius Constructive Creative Imaginations ... bringing about KINGDOM CREATIONS. Thus bravely taking full charge and controls over our neighborhoods, communities, families and lives. Which is progressive productive positive proton charged energy emotions.
25. So if not getting behind him why walk in front of the Black Brothers and not besides him? As beautiful Queens & Kings, Princesses & Princes, gods and goddesses, Woman & Man, Female & Male, Girls & Boys. Love US and join US or hate on us. For if need be..."by all means necessary"...I & WE can and will force you to StopPointBlankPeriod.
26. And if one; black or white, male or female... don't like our nutritional Black Cultural Soul Food, well, if ya can't say anything good about it, the old traditional saying is to; say nothing about it at all. Live and let live... Each to their own, do yo own thang and keep on steppin...!
26. Definitively speaking, in plain Ole simple terms, singling nobody out for hurt feelings nor for personal attacks..., there are Male & Female Bitches. There's also a popular magazine call "Bitch"; plus we have the TV Show The View's White Woman call the other one over the public airways: "A skinny bitch". Our young generation of youth are often heard calling each other bitches, having nothing to do with sex or gender in and of themselves. If the shoe fits then wear it. And I know for positively sure that I can be the biggest KING BITCH!
27. "And blessed is he, whosoever, is not offended in me"; "THESE things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended." Case closed and a new one opened.
LoveSensationSpiritDivine: May our COSMIC CREATORS Bless all of us who are working hard and smart: TO LOVE THY SELF 'n lovin' faith always, smile with a healthy good sense of humor Y'alls Goddesses-Queens-Princesses forevermore AMEN.
PS: Expressed by the free gift of grace via: COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts: http://www.colorkingdomnwca.com/ My Revolutionary Unique Poetic Art Form; CyberJazzBluesRapP; HipP & LapP!!; http://www.myspace.com/cyberjazzbluesrapphipplapp. Listen and hear original theme song sound tracks freely given. "For it is more blessed to give than it is to receive."


Prophetic Holy World War III=3
A Blessing in Secret Disguise to Set the Enslaved Captives Free;
"unto the perfect law of liberty."

Listen to my original musical theme song sound tracks 1-2-3:


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