Tuesday, July 15, 2008

LoveSensationSpiritDivine... HadesHellFire!!!

Love Sensation Spirit Divine!!!!
The Problem Solving Solution ......
YES; The Original Creative ArtistCHD, says: There's ample soil and enough earthly dirt to go all around burying every underhanded dirty lowdown scoundrel; religious-political corrupted person, and collective organizational body on PLANET MOTHER EARTH!!!
Meaning that from what I have gathered in my artistic vision; and based on what I've heard, read and studied, plus that in which I've personally experienced to date: Thursday, March 5, 2009......12:45 PM; updated Saturday, May 9, 2009...11:05 AM. Inhumane activities have been going on every since ancient-historical time periods of the day of old Biblical Scriptures & Srcolls. And it is JUDGMENT DEPT DUTY DAY, to pay it all back to the ALMIGHTY PIPER!
Ok yY'ALL: Here we are living in our present day 21st century time period and era. In this sense, nothing has really changed nor is new under our Radiant Solar System Super Star SUN!
The white owned and ran major TV & Radio Broadcast Systems of mass communications, are actively dividing the civilian populations, pitting and pitching whites against blacks and vice versa. However, they are paying a heavy price for thier long-standing racially bias bigotry in news reporting and press releases. Seeing how, that Infinite Intelligence of the Universal Mind, intercepts, decode their encoded subliminal messages. Meaning that these glib Anglo-Saxons in particular, are being charged with Culpable Mental States of Guilt. For it has been successfully detected, them using the most sophisticated forms of mind control one can conceivably imagine to oppress-repress-depress citizens. Empoying advanced understanding; "over-standing and inner-standing" of Developmentl Psychology Principals Applied!
NEWS REPORT: "Newswires staffing up as newspapers closing down." What they actually mean is that white owned and ran newspapers are shutting down! Due to their counterproductive double standards in news reporting over numerous years, dominating racial issues with their one-sided poisonous propaganda press releases. No it do not hit the hardest African Americans, in no ways or means, because we don't own these huge media networks in the first DEVIL DAMNED place. Nor do they hire a large number of Blacks and Browns to run and operate them, in the higher employment paying positions, etc. And I've worked at the San Antonio, Texas Express News long enough to KNOW, that this lack of MultiplexRacialBody of Color Complexions; Dynamic Equal Balance, never has existed. And in spite of the so called Affirmative Action Government Plan! Therefore GOOD RIDDANCE TO THEM ALL!!!
"Do Newspapers Matter? Evidence from the Closure of The Cincinnati Post," HadesHellFire No!
By the very same token, all of the blacks who were dependent on these white "Criminal Enterprises"; are rightly falling back down into utter unemployment too! Due to not working together for progress; in order to form their/our own Digital News Media Networks, TV & Radio Stations on the Internet & World Wide Web. They chose to try and go white mainstream America, to their own fatal demise. And now they're being laid off, terminated, eliminated along with these undercover racists whites of the bad bio-genotype seeds. It's all positively good, it's all gravy.
NEWS REPORT Published February 27, 2009 at midnight : "It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to you today. Our time chronicling the life of Denver and Colorado, the nation and the world, is over. Thousands of men and women have worked at this newspaper since William Byers produced its first edition on the banks of Cherry Creek on April 23, 1859. We speak, we believe, for all of them, when we say that it has been an honor to serve you. To have reached this day, the final edition of the Rocky Mountain News, just 55 days shy of its 150th birthday is painful. We will scatter. "
The only big difference is that pay day is here, JUDGMENT DAY IS HERE, and everybody is being forced to pay up their bad credit loans, prayers begging for more, that were made in excess to what they knew or thought that they were able to afford to pay back. Exceeding basic needs for living a prosperous life. Taking in, eating, drinking, consuming more than what one could possible burn off in the exercise of free will. Filling the stomach in overloaded capacity to digest that in which we fed on so lustfully or lavishly on, whatsoever, the case might be? Self-indulging deceivers, never intended to make good on their word and promissory notes, checking and savings bank accounts of thought impulses. Figuratively and literally speaking!
DETROIT MICHIGAN 2009- - Several Sick Sinister Serpent; non-daily newspapers owned by Gannett Co. Inc. in Oakland County have finnally announced they will cease being Well & Alive. Or is forced to merge publications May 31. The Birmingham, West Bloomfield, Troy and Rochester editions of the Eccentric will close their racist dogged out asses up for bad behavior.
Although, in truth to the power of reality, they are Fraud in Fact Congenital-Egregious-Inveterate Liars. Those weak human beings who are innately infected by what I identify and discovered and so rightly named an innate tendency to deviate from what is humane and just. With having an invisible origin that is inborn, being some kind of defective, dysfunctional Genotype, wrongful programming and the negative seeds planted profusely deep off into the persons Chromosomal messenger RNA & Mitochrondria DNA CODES.
DIVINELY JUDGED; Journal Criminal Corrupt Corporate Competitors Closing Up White Master Slave Ship Shop: Twelve mainly Northwest suburban weekly Pioneer Press newspaper poisonous press propaganda; many of which have competed directly with the 16 Journal & Topics Newspapers for years, will be closed in about a week, hitting the dusty trail, bitting the dust!
Moreover, it took these hundreds of thousands of years to manifest its self-destructive nature. And the racial blame game is not ever going to effectively work out good for those solely relying upon it. Because We all have... IT... and just don't know IT! A Human Being Species & Genus & Race Problem!!!
I WORKED FOR THESE WHITE PEOPLE: The Huge Hearst Corp., wisely announced today that it will close the Seattle Post-Intelligencer on Tuesday. The March 17 newspaper will be the fatal final edition of the 146-year-old, 118,000-circulation newspaper. And I so did live in Seattle Washington for about 18 years, reading that news paper, clipping out articles of special interest. And noted that they too, were systematic racist white supremacy superiortiy suppliers of the sick sinister serpent syndromes. Discriminatory against African American BLACKS!!!

My Former Employer: Hearst, which is privately held highly regarded, owns 15 other daily newspapers across our USA PROMISED LAND, of AMIXERCA. With 49 weekly papers and nearly 200 magazines. The company says it lost $14 million on the P-I last year. Since 1983, the paper has been in a Joint Operating Agreement with the Seattle Times, which handles the business operations for both newspapers. The newsrooms operated separately; with the poor working like Hebrew Slaves being severely overworked, misused and abused; down in the Mail Rooms & Production Departments. ToLoveThySelf=OUR USA PROMISED LANDS
THE HOMO SAPIENS HUMAN RACE: are the subjected victims, of personal, individual and collective CapitalistMoneyGreenGreed$$$$. As far as I can look back and see, overtly and inertly, "over-stand and understand"; there having been bloody conflicts and deadly warring factions in their invasive occupations on every uniquely designed continental plane and geographical plain. Tribal wars and family feuds with brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, counties and nations raping, robbing, murdering, enslaving, torturing, and committing genocidal acts of inhumanity from time memorial.
Now We The Public People: Are compelled to pay it all back to the Piper; recompense, restitution, reparations and punitive damages to our Eternal Spirit Creators!!. Stolen bounty, loot, jewels, gold, money, etc. Inclusively, Mother Africa's Negroid Racial Groups, Europe's Caucasoid & Asia Mongoloid primary and all of the secondary skin coloration-pigmentation created. Encompassing the whole gamut of the portrait face picture panorama. With everybody to blame-charge with fault equally in dynamic balance!!
GUILTY AS CHARGED: Because as our historians, archeologists, anthropologists and scientists go out and dig up the ancient sites, and discover more valuable information, then, more truthful data is uncovered. Revealed posing extremely difficult problems to solve, for in the psychology of comprehending, "Knowledge Can Be Harmful"!
Yes the blacks were as vicious as the whites and vice versa. As it remains today, so called "Black on Black Crime", brown on brown, white on white, yellow on yellow, red on re..... they do it to others and to themselves, all manner of wickedness and evil. The native Indians, Aborigines, Indigenous people of all racial and ethnic groups, practiced Self Hate vs. TO LOVE THY SELF.
And according to what a host of our top-leading scholars claim and professors teach in various colleges and universities and write in their published books, in the name of most religions, human beings were made bloody sacrifices. Live offerings to what these mad men and women called their gods and or goddesses!
Murders of Madness and Insanity: Is what it all is, no matter how one might try to justify these ungodly and inhuman acts and deeds. Therefore, we are being truly educated, when these Diggers come back up with these key revelations, showing the public in documentaries, real skeletal bones, carps of the deceased subjected victims, how savage and brutal these deaths were, on the cutting blocks and hangman's nooses and crosses.
IN GLORIOUS LIGHT OF DISCOVERY & INVENTION: I for one shall profess, that SHIV & EAIDS, is a worldwide, international plague and contagious disease of the human beings body-mind-hearts-spirits and souls!!!! SHIV & EAIDS = SelfHateImmunoViron & EcoAcquiredIm... Fear & Scare Tactics or Mental Terrorism!!!
Due to negative brainwashing imposed mainly by the Western Euro-Caucasians is their mass media mean madness. Over many years of portraying other racial-ethnic groups in disadvantageous living conditions, making unfavorable comparisons with blacks and whites reinforcing their ungodly-unholy behavioral practices. With their news media mainstream reporters and their Corporate Criminal Networks, coming back on the crime scenes, to profit and benefit from their devilish policy practices, that effectually helped greatly to produce by their worldwide INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM.
Therefore, after they defective genotypes of the mutated Caucasoid Race; grossly distorts and vilify the images of these people of dark melanin skin colorations, prop up dictator leaderships from top to bottom of their governmental internal affairs, the populations of citizens become quite desperate and destitute. Thus, it is no strange mystery, nor weird wonder why so many indigenous populations allowed-permitted foreigners to come in, invade and occupy their homelands. Because the internal conflicts were too great for them to bear any longer, perhaps, the people sought what ever kind of remedying relief that they could find. "By any means necessary"; to StopPointBlankPeriod, all of the government leadership cruelties in their every conceivable forms. And White Americans of the Decent Good Genotype Seeds, must be made conscously aware of what their indecent bad genotype seeds are still doing to harm and hurt HUMANITY!!

PLEASE HURRY UP: Rescue us they still proclaims to the North-South-East-West, come and kill these tyrant chiefs, rulers, jive turkey emperors, false kings, queens, imposter princesses and princes, dip shit overseers, fake priests, phony parents and y'all name them. It's well documented now today in our text books! It all depends on how we choose to interpret or look at the compiled information?

THE FATAL FINAL CALLS: Are actively being made openly and in private against today's high and mighty celebrities, prominent personalities, filthy rich TV & Radio hosts. And a decreed curse is placed upon the lives of those self-centered Hollywood Movie Stars, Wealthy Actors & Actresses, Hip Hop Gangster Rappers who have made millions of dollars selling and pushing poisonous lyrical dope. Professional athletes forgetting where they came from and are self-serving with their acquired money by way of lucrative constracts and commercial endorsements. With most all of them going to do their extravagant shopping at Fantacy Fair & Vanity Stores!!

Therefore it is imperative and is of paramount importance, for those of us who are still struggling, persevering, and endeavoring to overcome this innate-nature of bad faith dealings. Knowing that these menacing MENTALITIES stated above in the aforementioned paragraph, must-can-will and shall and is coming to pass! GOOD RIDDANCE!!

Bring HadesHellFire down upon our enemies the weak and helpless exhorts. Burn their dogged asses up in the fiery bottomless pit of everlasting heated flames forevermore. Raise the temperature bar and scale of degrees, so that they might bake to death. And for sure these intense prayers repeatedly made, chanted, voiced internally and externally, did indeed has sent out and up into the atmosphere-stratosphere-ozonosphere, electrifying electron energy emotions negatively and positively charged. Neutrons and protons!!! Producing Progressive Positive Proton Charged CLIMATIC CHANGE, Heating & Warming of our GlobalWorldNations!!!

Infinite Intelligence of the Universal Mind;
According to how our Cosmic Creators Masterfully define;
The problem solving solution for all humankind.__
The solid foundation built beauteous She did;
Mother Earth's healthful healing Cure;
Based on spiritual laws to endure pure for sure._
The Nurturing Woman has practical applications;
By way of symphonic song musical orchestrations;
Original poetic creations;
Being listened to by our GlobalWorldNations.__
Able to heal the sick psychology;
In a pleasant way needing no apology._
Very sensitive to one's tender inside feeling;
The Lovely Lady's musical scale is so thrilling;
With energy emotions appealing;
Love sensations so revealing.__
For it's the Spirit Divine composing the works of art;
With every holy angel playing their performance part._
As ArtistCHD talks to y'all;
The medication is being injected according to its call

Producing a natural high;
A serene bliss into the CyberSpaceAge sky.
Taking a long distant voyage which has just begun;
On this adventuring trip having cheerful fun;
Dancing, prancing and romancing on the run;
Under our radiant SolarSystemSuperStarSun.__
Now we may see the brilliant genius of the light;
A magnificent array of prismatic color sight;
Glowing in the dark of night fight._
Giving the listeners a clear vision;
Those who hear the chords by their willing decision._
Secured most assured are being cured._
Happily crossing the bridges of salvation's silence
To sustain dynamic equal balance._
This is a Spirit led dietary menu;
Wholesome food for the impulses of thought too._
Calming the nerves;
A blessing loving people all deserves;
As it tranquilizes those hearers it serves._
Simply play the clinical sound tracks;
In your customized living space that backs._
Up what LovelyLoveSongs you delight to hear;
My Truest Love I Found so dear._
Allow the lovely melodies perform while you sleep;
As the messages messages the inner conscious so deep._
Because that in which we sow so shall we also reap._
Yes truly this is how easy it works to bless;
Planting potent seeds of sound waves success;
Achieving its height of perfection being nothing less._
The most beautiful song of our 21st century;
The chromatic musical scale simply elementary._
It is the small things adding up shall my good folk make note;
The little parts played together as one as I wrote;
Intentionally placing each and every brush stroke;
Painting this portrait picture as I poetically spoke.__
Today's therapeutic treatment connects;
Giving primary first aid effects;
As the harmony enhances heavenly affects;
Any possible wrongs it gently corrects.__
All automatically programmed with ease;
No pain and suffering nor anymore spiritual disease;
So why not ask for more pretty please.__
Let us be thankful;
Shall we not be grateful._
How these intricate sound waves;
Energizes the minds thus it saves;
Redeeming the soul and how it behaves.__
Layer upon layers into complex arrangements;
Mixes composed calmly in complete agreements.__
Unified in the body by one perfect accord;
LovePeace and Harmony softly and not hard._
My symphony orchestra one man's band;
The Almighty Master's Piece Grand Plan._
The Savior's Sounds of music we now understand;
Rendered across our USA PROMISED LAND.__

A flaming inferno of blazing burning desire.
In the abysmal deep part of the bottomless pit;
Now raising a hot heated hellified fit!
Our SocialSystemSociety!!!
Alleviating, poverty, hopelessness, despair and anxiety!
Please permit me to welcome y'all aboard
COLOR KINGDOM NWCA; The Secure Investor's
Domain of True Riches, Divine Health & Honest Wealth today!

1. YES: This is the best time period to be happy and thrive; The most prosperous out of all history to be well and live. __ A rare cleansing opportunity; For our sanitized global community; To overcome capitalism's toxic impunity; Restoring the human body's natural immunity__ The fatal end to the old dying federalist empire; Perfectly purified by the blazing flames of HadesHellFire!!!


A DIVINE JUDGMENT & CURSE: is in motion against the Mainstream News Media, with its Institutionalized Racism. Constantly going on in the surreptitious midst of devasting natuional disasters, floods and raging fires, hurricanes, tornado twisters. Meaning that each and every time there are a huge number of an overwhelming majority of white skinned Euro-Americans being the actual real live subjected victims; they start up their negative propaganda publication in hopes of distracting our focus and main attention away from the masses of Caucasian loses. As a smokescreen and subtefuge, these devilish white reporters, journalists, columnists, crank up their racist "GAR--BAGE". About who the alleged RECESSION is hitting hardest and hurting the most.


Thus, justify pushing their onesided bias belief Sinister System Serpent Fraud in Fact Satanic Lies. But we all know that our Father Figure Head: SolarSystemSunGOD & GODDESS Mother Earth's Nature, is after their hateful dogged out ass. She's destroying their paradises and safe havens of Separatist-Isolationist dwellings. Virtually all Lilly white and pearly pink people communities. Taking their material addictions from them in burnt up extravant properites, luxury homes, and mulitmillion dollar mansions. Terminating and eliminating the stolen wealth and riches that they systematically robbed from Mexicans & Blacks & Aians, Native-Indians, & Eskimos. Generating poverty among these good human beings. Now they are paying dearly for their criminal sins. Which makes it so very clean, that it is the poor inner city jobless and homeless black and brown skinned American citizens who is being adversely effected/affected by INTERVENTION DIVINE DEATH SENTENCE & PENALTY. A Massive System Implosion & Explosion!!


Now Racial Indentities Are Hidden, Not Ever Mnetioned: Because these liars know that these loosers are of their Caucasoid Racial & Ethnic Groups: "An estimated 30,500 residents of Santa Barbara County have been ordered to evacuate because of the blaze, which has damaged or destroyed at least 80 homes, emergency officials said. More than 12,200 homes or businesses are in the mandatory evacuation area. ". They're glibly only called "RESIDENTS". Bull's shit!


There has been no positive "CHANGE" with a so called "Half Black & Half White" United States President, Barack Hussein Obama. He is only said to be by black liberation militant warriors, to be a "BLACK FACE ON WHITE POWER"!! As the racist white supremacy-superiority sick sinister SYSTEM, keep on falling back down to ground level zero. Due to it's unrepentant and unremorseful mindsets, ungodly and unholy, divilish and satanist MENTALITIES!!!


Saturday, May 9, 2009...12:07 AM Posted: "It starts off, looks kind of calm, thinking we're getting the upper hand, turns out we're not," Franklin said. "As unpredictable as the weather can be, that's about as unpredictable as the fire is going to be."


2. "Be not deceived for the Lord is not mocked"; And those who think it's a fun game shall surely be severely shocked; For making denigrating statements outside the HOLY SPIRIT'S flock; Out of ignorance of the Scriptures they talk their idiotic bull crock.__And must be taught to keep their stupid mouths shut as a divine cure; Ranting and raving bout spiritual things they know nothing about for sure; The oncoming decreed curses they shall have to sorely endure; The intense heat of the flaming devil's anger to cleanse them pure.__ Yes, God created the Devil for this good act and deed; It was no haphazard accident for your court case to proceed.__


News: "The fire has engulfed mansions in the coastal community's foothills after starting Tuesday in the Cathedral Peak area." Still no mention of race, when it comes around to whites being "hit the hardest!"


3. We have overcome today; Yet required in grave dismay.__Thus pre-destined to experience the most exciting; Universal phenomena equally inviting.__ Ever happening here on our homeland turf; Creatively evolving, revolving, in original birth; Uniquely rotating and orbiting planetary sphere GODDESS Mother Earth.


No close up camera shots of crying whites, scared and shamed faces of utter disgrace. Only when it is black and brown human beings being burned out or washed away, do the white supremacy mainstream media do closeups: "Officials estimated 80 homes were destroyed — most of them on Wednesday — in neighborhoods on ridges and in canyons above Santa Barbara."


4. Now is the time for us to StopPointBlankPeriod blaming; And start our SocialSytstemSociety now claiming.__ The new world order brought the country down to credit loan ruin; Power grabbing of the social order is presently ensuing.__ On the grassroots level let us grow our pea patch; From the ground up from basic scratch; I'm not talking about eating dessert plants to snatch; Or referring to Hallucinogenic mushrooms out of dark wet caves that hatch.__ But most certainly do indeed mean; Portraying an artistic vision and prophetic dream.__ Through the Sixth Sense Genius Constructive Creative Imagination; A sound minded REVELATION; Of Mother Nature's Evolutionary Creation.__
5. I'm talking about humankind feeling the intense; Hot heated activities of exhilarating suspense; The high rising cost of living expense; Pay back in the fiery form of recompense.__ Big Brother banks of ill-fates; Fail prey to US Government's investor stakes
.___ Private ownership is becoming a thing of the past; Those at the bottom shall be at the top set Free at Last.__ A Social Capitalism; A police, military, welfare state of satanism.__


"Literally last night, all hell broke loose," Santa Barbara Fire Chief Andrew DiMizio said Friday morning, recounting firefighters' efforts to put out roof fires and keep flames out of his section of the city."


6. A divine justice has thus begun; Occurring under our Radiant Solar Sun._ And Big Optical Eye in the Sky; Flaming feelings and emotions firing off with a burning desire.__ Their chemical charges extremely severe; Shooting up into the atmosphere.


NEWS: "SANTA BARBARA, Calif. – Turning the horizon a lurid orange and raining embers on roofs as it advanced, a raging wildfire that has destroyed scores of homes in the hills menaced this celebrity enclave and other coastal towns Friday, and the number of people ordered to flee climbed to more than 30,000."

7. I'm talking about two legged upright; Walking human beings experiencing a blazing blight.__ With no mercy shown to them whether black or white; In the sparks of day light; Or dark dust of night.__Too much speculative deregulatory excess; Now allowing the wicked wild wild west weary no rest.__ And I don't frankly care if somebody likes me or not; Because brutal truth telling can be extremely hot; A boot-licking stooge I plainly simply stop; The USA is going through the ruins of decay and rot.__ But just because I quote the Scriptures causing others to faint; Some pretty face church going Christian worshipper may I be quite frank; And innocent sheep-like choir boy or religious freak I just simply ain't a saint.__ It's just that our Creator(s) can choose; Some of the most unlikely gifted black dudes.__


8. And Yes, I'm a sinner of the lustful human flesh and blood; But my faithful heart and soul is as clean as fresh earthly mud.__A revolutionary militating minded artist; Destined to be number one being the smartest; Working 24-7, day and night persistently the hardest.__


9. Their collective bitterness, madness, sadness; As opposed to their sweetness, happiness, gladness.__ And true love; Is truly the real answer from heaven above.___ The wholesome spirit of sharing; Sisterly and brotherly love should of been glaring; But instead we felt flaring; Crime and violence arrogantly daring.___


TO LOVE THY SELF: [ Musical theme song sound tracks CD-MP3s, instrumental-vocals part 1-2-3-4: http://www.myspace.com/cyberjazzbluesrapphipplapp. ]

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